ศ.ดร. สันติ ภัยหลบลี้
Professor Dr. Santi Pailoplee
Earthquake Geology, Seismic Hazard Analysis, Statistical Seismology
Email Pailoplee.S@hotmail.com
- Ph.D. Geology, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (2009)
- M.Sc. Earth Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (2004)
- B.Sc. Physics, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (2000)
List of Publications
1. สันติ ภัยหลบลี้* และ สัณฑวัฒน์ สุขรังษี 2557. รอยเลื่อนสะกาย: พฤติกรรมและพิบัติภัยต่อประเทศไทย. วารสารอุตุนิยมวิทยา: 10 หน้า [บทความวิชาการ]
2. สันติ ภัยหลบลี้*, วิชัย จูฑะโกสิทธิ์กานนท์ และ สัณฑวัฒน์ สุขรังษี 2557. การปรับระดับพื้นโลก: พิบัติภัยระยะยาวจากแผ่นดินไหว. วารสารอุตุนิยมวิทยา: 9 หน้า [บทความวิชาการ]
3. Pailoplee*, S., and Palasri 2014. CU-PSHA: A Matlab Software for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 8(4): 1450008-1-26. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 0.309]
4. Pailoplee*, S., and Choowong, M. 2014. Earthquake frequency–magnitude distribution and fractal dimension in mainland Southeast Asia. Earth, Planets and Space 66(8): 1-10. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 2.921]
5. Pailoplee*, S. 2014. Earthquake Activities along the Strike-slip Fault System on the Thailand-Myanmar Border. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 25(4): 483-490. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 0.705]
6. Wiwegwin*, W., Hisada, K., Charusiri, P., Kosuwan, S., Pailoplee, S., Saithong, P., Khaowiset, K., and Won-in, K. 2014. Paleoearthquake investigations of the Mae Hong Son Fault, Mae Hong Son region, northern Thailand. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 8(2): 1450007-1-35. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 0.309]
7. Pailoplee*, S. 2014. Earthquake Activities along the Ranong-Klong Marui Fault Zone, Southern Thailand: Implication from the Seismicity Data. Bulletin of Earth Sciences of Thailand 6(1): 10-17. [Full Paper]
8. Pailoplee*, S. 2014. Earthquake hazard of dams along the Mekong mainstream. Natural Hazards. DOI 10.1007/s11069-014-1287-0. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 1.903]
9. Pailoplee*, S. 2014. Mapping b-Value Anomalies Along the Indonesian Island Chain: Implications for Upcoming Earthquakes. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 8(4): 1450010-1-11. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 0.309]
10. Pailoplee*, S. 2014. Earthquake Activities along the Sagaing Fault Zone, Central Myanmar: Implications for Fault Segmentation. Journal of Earth Science, 13p. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 0.546, In press]
1. Pailoplee*, S., Surakiatchai, P., and Charusiri, P. 2013. b-value Anomalies along the Northern Segment of Sumatra-Andaman Subduction Zone: Implication for the Upcoming Earthquakes. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 7(4): 1350030-1-8. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 0.309]
2. Somsa-ard, N., and Pailoplee*, S. 2013. Seismic Hazard Analysis for Myanmar. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 7(4): 1350029-1-14. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 0.309]
3. Phantuwongraj*, S., Choowong, M., Nanayama, F., Hisada, K.-I., Charusiri, P., Chutakositkanon, V., Pailoplee, S., and Chabangbon, A. 2013. Coastal geomorphic conditions and styles of storm surge washover deposits from Southern Thailand. Geomorphology 192: 43-58. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 2.552]
4. Pailoplee*, S., Channarong, P., and Chutakositkanon, V. 2013. Earthquake Activities in the Thailand-Laos-Myanmar Border Region: A Statistical Approach. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 24(4) Part II: 721-730. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 0.705]
5. Pailoplee*, S. 2013. Mapping Asperities along the Sagiang Fault Zone, Myanmar using b-value Anomalies. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 7(5): 1371001-1-12. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 0.309]
6. Pailoplee*, S., and Choowong, M. Probabilities of earthquake occurrences in Mainland Southeast Asia. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 6: 4993–5006. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 0.740]

Soft Quake: งานเขียนด้านธรณีวิทยาที่แอบนินทา “แผ่นดินไหว” แบบเบาๆ
1. สันติ ภัยหลบลี้ 2552. Soft Quake: งานเขียนด้านธรณีวิทยาที่แอบนินทา “แผ่นดินไหว” แบบเบาๆ. โรงพิมพ์แห่งจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย, 206 หน้า [ISBN 978-616-321-139-2]
2. สันติ ภัยหลบลี้* 2555. กลุ่มรอยเลื่อนระนอง-คลองมะรุ่ย เป็นหรือตาย ? จากนิยาม “รอยเลื่อนมีพลัง”. Civil Engineering Magazine: January – March 2012, หน้า 33-41. [บทความวิชาการ]
3. Pailoplee*, S. 2012. Relationship between Modified Mercalli Intensity and peak ground acceleration in Myanmar. Natural Science 4: 624-630. [Full Paper]
4. Sutiwanich*, C., Hanpattanapanich, T., Pailoplee, S., and Charusiri, P. 2012. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps of Southern Thailand. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 34(4): 453-466. [Scopus dbase]
5. Wiwegwin*, W., Saithong, P., Kosuwan, S., Kaowisate, K., Pailoplee, S., and Charusiri, C. 2012. Paleoseismological Investagations and Seismic Hazard Analysis Along the Mae Hong Son Fault, Northwestern Thailand. 12th Regional Congress on Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of Southeast Asia, 7-8 March 2012, Bangkok, Thailand, p. 118. [Abstract]
6. Wiwegwin*, W., Saithong, P., Kosuwan, S., Kaowisate, K., Charusiri, C., and Pailoplee, S. 2012. Evidence of Active Faults and Hazard Analysis Along the Srisawat Fault, Western Thailand. 12th Regional Congress on Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of Southeast Asia, 7-8 March 2012, Bangkok, Thailand, p. 55. [Abstract]
6. Thipyupas*, S., Hanpattanapanich, T., Pailoplee, P., and Charusiri, P. 2012. Is Ranong fault in southern Thailand active? – Evidence from seismological, paleoseismological, and seismic investigations. 12th Regional Congress on Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of Southeast Asia, 7-8 March 2012, Bangkok, Thailand, p. 78. [Abstract]
1. Pailoplee*, S., Nachiangtai, P., Choowong, M., Lertnok, W., Jaiswal, M.K., and Charusiri, P., 2011. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of Bang Berd sand dune, Southern Thailand. 13th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, 10-14 July 2011, Torun, Poland. p.156. [Abstract]
2. Kázmér*, M., Sanittham, K., Charusiri, P., and Pailoplee, S., 2011. Archaeoseismology of the AD 1545 Earthquake in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand. 2ndINQUA-IGCP-567 International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, Archaeology and Engineering, 19-24 September 2011, Corinth, Greece. [Full Paper]
1. Pailoplee*, S., Chaisuwan, B., Takashima, I., Won-In, K., and Charusiri, P. 2010. Dating ancient remains by thermoluminescence: Implications of incompletely burnt bricks. Bulletin of Earth Sciences of Thailand 3(1): 8-16.[Full Paper]
2. Pailoplee*, S., Sugiyama, Y., and Charusiri, P. 2010. Seismic hazard analysis in Thailand: Implication from the new alternative attenuation models. International Symposium on a Robust and Resilient Society against Natural Hazards & Environmental Disasters and the third AUN/Seed-Net Regional Conference on Geo-Disaster Mitigation, 22-27 August, 2010. [Full Paper]
3. Pailoplee*, S., Sugiyama, Y., and Charusiri, P. 2010. Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis in Thailand and adjacent areas by using regional seismic source zones. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 21(5): 757-766. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 0.705]
1. Pailoplee*, S., Takashima, I., Kosuwan, S., and Charusiri, P. 2009. Earthquake Activities along the Lampang-Theon Fault Zone, Northern Thailand: Evidence from Paleoseismological and Seismicity Data. Journal of Applied Sciences Research 5(2): 168-180. [Scopus dbase]
2. Pailoplee*, S., Sugiyama, Y., and Charusiri, P. 2009. Deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analyses in Thailand and adjacent areas using active fault data. Earth, Planets and Space 61: 1313–1325. [ISI Impact Factor 2012: 2.921]
1. Prachantasen*, N., Choowong, M., Pailoplee, S., and Phanthuwongraj, S. 2008. Sedimentary characteristics of sand dune from Bang Berd, Chumphon Province, Southern Thailand. Bulletin of Earth Sciences of Thailand 1(1-2): 28-34. [Full Paper]
2. Chansawad*, P., Dowrerk, V., Kosuwan, S., Pailoplee, S., and Charusiri, P. 2008. Application of ESR-dating Results and Remote-sensing to Constrain Active Tectonics along the Southern Part of Khlong Marui Fault, Southern Thailand. Proceedings of the International Symposia on Geoscience Resources and Environments of Asian Terranes (GREAT 2008), 4th IGCP 516,and 5th APSEG, 24-26 November, 2008, Bangkok, Thailand, 122-125. [Full Paper]
3. Pailoplee*, S., Sugiyama, Y., and Charusiri, P. 2008. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis in Thailand and Adjacent Areas by Using Regional Seismic Source Zones. Proceedings of the International Symposia on Geoscience Resources and Environments of Asian Terranes (GREAT 2008), 4th IGCP 516,and 5th APSEG, 24 26 November, 2008, Bangkok, Thailand, 405-409. [Extended Abstract]
4. Jankaew*, K., Choowong, M., Chareontitirat, T., Atwater, B., Phantuwongraj, S., Surakiatchai, P., Machado, T., Martin M.E., Sawai, Y., Prendergast, A., Pailoplee, S., Napradit, T., and Weerahong, A. 2008. A Pre-2004 Tsunami Deposit in Thailand. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 1565. [Abstract]
5. Pailoplee*, S. 2008. Simultaneous deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analyses in Thailand and adjacent areas by using active fault data. Active Fault Research Center Meeting, 16 May, 2008. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), JAPAN. [Abstract]
1. Charusiri*, P., Rhodes, B.P., Saithong, P., Kosuwan, S., Pailoplee, S., Wiwegwin, W., Doarerk, V., Hinthong, C., and Klaipongpan, S. 2007. Regional tectonic Setting and seismicity of Thailand with reference to reservoir construction. International Conference on Geology of Thailand: Towards Sustainable Development and Sufficiency Economy. [Abstract]
2. Jankaew*, K., Choowong, M., Charoentitirat, T., Machado, T., Martin, M., Pailoplee, S., Phantuwongraj, S., Napradit, T., Weerahong, A., and Surakiatchai, P. 2007. A Pre 2004 Tsunami Deposit in Thailand. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2007, T24A-02. [Abstract]
3. Tuttle*, M., Alam, S., Atwater, B., Charoentitirat, T., Charusiri, P., Choowong, M., Fernando, S., Jankaew, K., Jittanoon, V., Kongko, W., Maxcia, C., Pailoplee, S., Phantuwongraj, S., Rajendran, K., Srichan, N., Tejakusuma, I., and Yulianto, E. 2007. Searching for Pre-2004 Tsunami Deposits in Thailand. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2007, T43B-04. [Abstract]
1. Pailoplee*, S., Chaisuwan, B., Takashima, I., Won-In, K., and Charusiri, P. 2006. Dating ancient remains by thermoluminescence: Implication of incompletely burnt bricks from Thung Tuk archaeological site, Phang Nga, southern Thailand. In Second International Symposium on Geological Anatomy of East and South Asia: Paleogeography and Paleoenvironment in Eastern Tethys (IGCP516), 13-15 November 2006, Luzon, Manila, Philippine. [Extended Abstract]
1. Pailoplee*, S., Charusiri, P., Takashima, I., Won-in, K., and Kosuwan, S. 2005. Comparison of Thermoluminescence Dating and Radiocarbon Chronology in Ban Bom Luang Trench, Lampang, Northern Thailand, In First International Symposium on Geological Anatomy of East and South Asia: Paleogeography and Paleoenvironment in Eastern Tethys (IGCP516), 10-17 October 2005, Tsukuba, Japan. [Abstract]
2. Charusiri, P. and Pailoplee*, S. 2005. Seismicity and Tectonic Activities of Andaman Sea Region., In Proceedings of the Regional Symposium on the 2004 Tsunami Event, 21-22 November, 2005, MHMK Building, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. [Abstract]
3. Punpate, N., Pailoplee*, S., Takashima, I., and Charusiri, P. 2005. Ages of Layered Tektites and Tektite-Bearing Sediment in Bunthatik Area, Ubonratchathani, Northeast Thailand.In Proceedings of the International Conference on Geology, Geotechnology and Mineral Resources of Indochina, 28-30 November 2005, Kosa Hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 517-523. [Extended Abstract]
4. Pailoplee*, S., Chaisuwan, B., Takashima, I., Won-in, K., and Charusiri, P. 2005. Dating Ancient Remains by Thermoluminescence: The Case of Bricks from Thung Tuk Archaeological Site, Phang Nga Peovince, Southern Thailand.In Proceedings of the International Conference on Geology, Geotechnology and Mineral Resources of Indochina, 28-30 November, 2005, Kosa Hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 395-402. [Extended Abstract]
1. Pailoplee*, S., Takashima, I., Kosuwan, S., Won-in, K., Saithong, P. and Charusiri, P. 2004. Paleoearthquakes along the Lampang-Theon Fault Zone Northern Thailand: Evidences from the Calibrated Thermoluminesence-Dating Result.In Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Geophysics, 26-27 November 2004, Chaiang Mai, Thailand. [Extended Abstract]
1. Udchachon*, M. Charusiri, P., Daorerk, V., Takashima, I., and Pailoplee, S. 2003. Neotectonic evidences along southeastern segment of phrae fault system, phrae basin, northern Thailand. 29th Congress on Science & Technology of Thailand, 20-22 October, 2003. [Abstract]